3rd Year at University

The end is in sight and your dream career as a midwife is about to become reality. To succeed you need to start focused, to find out more about becoming and midwife and prepare you for the journey, take our online midwife course to find out more.

Another year, another name badge colour change and with that comes increased responsibility.

The final stretch…

This year is all preparing for qualifying but in terms of university it is writing the dissertation. It was hard enough to find an innovative question for the evidenced based project let alone write 10,000 words about one subject. Funnily enough, once I started the words just kept flowing and once I handed it in, bound with my name on the spine, I could not have been prouder.

Feeling like a real midwife…

In practice we were able to caseload women throughout their pregnancy, be there at the birth and see them at home with their new baby, this was very rewarding and helped to give depth to the essays that I needed to write. I understood the importance of being a midwife and this was being demonstrated in all my university work.

Full on pressure.. but nearly finished!

There was a lot more pressure this year, to make sure you have the required number of skills so you are able to qualify. I had exams where I have to memorise references, practice skill tests, verbal exams, the list continues… it was ‘full on’.

The third year flew by the fastest, I suppose because there is so much happening in such a short space of time.

Time flies when you are having ‘fun’

When people say “blink and you’ll miss it” midwifery training is one of those moments. One minute you are looking at a website such as this thinking, “what if I were to train to be a midwife” … the next you are qualified and you can’t quite believe that you have finished so quickly and come out with an amazing, rewarding career that you can be proud of.

You have finally come to the end of your 3 years training and now you are a midwife, congratulations! Now the fun begins of looking for your first job.
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Learn How to Become a Midwife
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