Getting the Right Midwife Experience

What makes it relevant?

There’s no getting around the fact that applying to study Midwifery very competitive, with hundreds more applicants than places.

So how can you make sure that your application stands out?

Qualifications are great, but there are many other things the recruitment team will take into consideration – including relevant life and work experience which can help prove that you meet the requirements for the role.

But what kind of experience could this include? Some student midwives shared their advice and opinions with us…

“I did a work experience placement in my final year of school with a local healthcare unit– as well as helping to make it clear to me that this was definitely the career area I wanted to be in I got experience in working with the midwives at the centre and insights into what kind of person you need to be to be a good midwife.”


“University open days which are a great way to find out more about being a midwife and what the course involves, one of the admissions team recognised me at my interview because of a question I asked!”

“Volunteer work with St John’s Ambulance as a first aider at events gave me valuable experience in working with the public and dealing with unexpected and sometimes scary situations, where I had to keep my cool and control the situation as best I could.”


“There are lots of mother and baby groups who are happy for you to go along and ‘shadow’ the midwives that run them, or keen for volunteers to help out. It’s all good experience!”

“Any kind of groups or organisations that promote team working and problem solving skills are great experience. Things like the Duke of Edinburgh Award, or courses ran through an institute like The Prince’s Trust.”


“You can volunteer in many roles at your local hospital, even if it’s just in the shop or information desk. Working in the hospital environment is good relevant experience, and you can make contacts who might be able to help you with other experience.”

“Writing articles and submissions for midwifery blogs and websites is really fun, and looks good on your CV – it shows you have a real interest in the career and also helps your communication and writing skills.”


There are countless opportunities for rewarding and relevant volunteer work, but you could also consider any relevant courses, such as a recognised First Aid qualification.

It’s a case of being proactive and getting out there to search for opportunities to build on your skills and experience, so you can prove in the application process that you’re someone who goes the extra mile!

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Emily Seddon

Emily is a midwife with many years of experience. She is passionate about supporting midwives of the future. As a clinical mentor, student link and being on university interview panels, she knows what it takes to get a place!

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