Midwife Assessment Day Fact or Fiction


Being invited to an assessment day to get onto a midwifery course is a massive achievement. Although it is very exciting, it can be an anxious time too.

You have got so far, you don’t want to be put off by rumours about what you may or may not expect during the day.

Having been on the interview panel for university places and for student midwives applying for their first job, we want to dispel some of the myths so that you can prepare fully and get rid of some of those nerves.

1. The panel are trying to put you off- Fiction

Your assessment day will differ depending on each university; there may be group work or a role play of you doing various tasks. There are likely to be midwives, lecturers, a supervisor of midwives and other clinicians observing your assessment process. They are there to make sure that there is no bias and so that everything can be written down properly. Just be yourself, do your best and if you can, pretend that they are not there. They want you to do well and will want to make the experience as comfortable as possible, whilst still doing a thorough and fair assessment.
2. They are expecting too much on one day- Fiction

You will normally be invited to a session, whether this is initially a numeracy and literacy, then if you are successful you will be called back at a later date, or some universities have everything in one day. The fact that you are being tested all day can seem very intense. Make sure you have prepared properly so that you are not phased by the format. Have an early night before the big day and reread your personal statement before you go in. The day won’t be too much for you; it will be a challenge and when you get through it you will feel proud of your achievement.
3. You ‘re more likely to do well if you know what to expect – Fact

It may always appear that some are more relaxed than others. Some may have been through this process before and not been successful. Those who are most prepared often do better because they can be more confident about what to expect and have prepared for what they have to do. We want you to be successful and secure that place. If you feel unprepared a good place to start would be our Assessment Day workbooks which explains the format, how to prepare, what to expect and make sure that you are able to do your best on the day.
4. Universities won’t invite you back if you had an unsuccessful application before- Fiction

There are many reasons why someone might not have been successful at an assessment day before. This might have been a lack of preparation, numeracy, literacy or a poor interview technique. If you have been unsuccessful then coming back again but showing how you have developed since the last assessment is key. Did you seek other experiences? Take a different course?

Just show them what you can offer and why you are ready to do it this year.
5. There is no point attending unless you are sure you want to succeed- Fact

You have got this far- to be offered the assessment day or interview is a fantastic achievement. Many applicants do not get this far. If you are certain that being a midwife is for you, then it is worth attending, firstly you will get a better understanding of what is expected, you may be able to defer your place if it isn’t the right time to start. Have confidence in why you deserve a place.
6. It is a mystery what is expected from applicants – Fiction

No one is trying to catch you out, the purpose of the day is to make sure you can demonstrate all the skills required to become a midwife. If you are feeling like this, more preparation for your assessment day is required. There may be information on the UCAS website or from the universities that you are applying for. If you are still baffled them we are here to help you
7. Assessment days are not relevant- Fiction

It may appear from that the questions that are being asked or group work that it may have little relevance to being a midwife. Everything that is asked of you will be showing your personality, skills and ways of communicating. The best way to make sure that this goes well is to prepare. It is good to view getting onto a midwifery course like training for a marathon; you wouldn’t just get up one day and run, it takes practice, dedication and effort to show yourself in the best light!

Just remember you have been invited to an assessment day because the university believes that you have the potential to be a midwife. This is your chance to show them that you have what it takes and your passion.

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Hannah Vallance

Hannah is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist specialising in recruitment, selection and assessment. This means she designs and assesses at selection days just like the ones used for Midwifes, which is pretty handy experience for Midwife Career!

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