Top 8 things you need to know before applying to be a Midwife


If you are thinking about applying to study midwifery there are a few things that you need to know before you get started.

1. You need to know what it actually means to be a midwife. Do your homework, get some work experience to show your dedication. Make sure that you are happy with shift work, don’t find yourself queasy with the first sight of blood and realise that midwifery isn’t all about cuddling newborn babies, eating cake and drinking tea. Be sure that it is midwifery that you are passionate about.

2. You need to make any of your experience transferable to midwifery. You might have varied experience in retail, customer service, hospitality or other caring professions. Think about how this will help you to make a good midwife. Write your personal statement in an interesting way. It is not enough to say that you are a ‘good communicator’ and ‘can work well in a team’. This is your moment to show the university that you have what it takes. So many waste this opportunity with mistakes in their personal statements, not being individual enough or not showing their commitment and enthusiasm.

3. Midwifery is open to all experiences in life as long as you can demonstrate your passion and understanding for the profession. Whether you are 18 or 55 everyone brings something different and is always very welcome to apply.

4. Getting a place at university is more than just an interview. There are so many more hurdles before anyone gets to meet you face-to-face. So if you think that you are good at interviews, you need to make sure that you have given enough in your personal statement to ensure you are offered an interview. Your CV, personal statement, references, group work, assessments in numeracy and literacy and finally an interview are all there to make sure the right people get a place. Not very confident about the selection process? Don’t forget we can help you!

5. Becoming a midwife is more than just a job, it is a true vocation. It is the most rewarding job but equally there will be sacrifices. You might not be able to make nights out, birthday parties, you might miss Christmas day and sometimes you will find that you spend more time at work than with your own family. There are various ups and downs along the way and it is ensuring a good work life balance that will make or break your career.

6. You will become very close with your university group, you will share the same experiences, you will debrief, laugh, cry and learn to communicate in the ‘language of midwifery’. You will pull together to make sure everyone finishes the course and there is an unbreakable bond where your sense of humour may only be understood by your fellow midwife. You will often make friends for life while studying.

7. The training will be physically, emotionally and mentally draining. You may feel like it is all a little daunting when you start your course, so much to grasp quickly before you will be the one looking after a woman during her labour, it then starts to all feel very real. You will be well supported by your mentor, university lecturers and colleagues. You will learn the importance of decision making, documentation, communication, empathy and hand holding in times of need.

8. Midwifery courses are extremely difficult to get into, if you have read this and it makes you feel even more eager to get a place on your dream course, we want to help you to give you the best chance of securing your place. We want you to have a personal statement that shows your passion, prepare you for your selection day and interview process so that you will have your place on a midwifery course before you know it.

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Hannah Vallance

Hannah is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist specialising in recruitment, selection and assessment. This means she designs and assesses at selection days just like the ones used for Midwifes, which is pretty handy experience for Midwife Career!

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