University Midwife Literacy Tests

This test is something you may have experienced before however as they can vary we do advise you practice in advance. Try our Midwife Selection eBook where you can complete 100 practice questions on the numerical and literacy reasoning tests.

This is usually a test to determine how well you interpret written information. You will be given extracts of information to read then asked to choose a correct answer from four options.

Sometimes this test takes the format of being a more basic literacy test of your spelling, grammar and punctuation. For this format you would be given multiple choice questions where you need to select the correct answer from 4 options. We have more on this in our Midwife Selection ebook.

The information format will vary e.g. it may be presented as an article or leaflet. The length of each extract will be similar i.e. there will be enough content to give you plenty of potential answers to think about but not so long it takes you ages to read it.

Example literacy extract and questions:

Scenario: Fire safety education for children

Most Firefighters give educational presentations in schools. This can help improve awareness of fire hazards in the home. Children tend to respond well to positive fire safety messages. They then tell their families. This can reduce the number of fires in a community.

The presentations also discourage children from getting involved in fire related crimes. These can include deliberate fire setting, making hoax calls or attacking fire crews. All of these can cause considerable harm. The Fire & Rescue Service works hard to stop this from happening.
It is helpful for children to be taught about the important role of Firefighters and the dangers of playing with fire.

It is important to get the balance right between informing and entertaining. Children need to be interested in the message. The way that information is presented needs to be adapted for groups of different ages.

Q1. According to the article:
A. a Firefighter should inform and entertain children that he encounters in his role
B. the Fire & Rescue Service works hard to stop fire-related crimes
C. the Fire & Rescue Service set targets to support school activities
D. a Firefighter must adapt information that he uses for different audiences

Q2. Which one of the following statements is true?
A. many children make hoax calls
B. awareness of fire hazards in the home is poor
C. it’s hard to interest children in safety messages
D. Firefighters give educational presentations in schools.

Q3. Which one of the following statements is false?
A. presentation should be adapted for different age groups
B. it’s possible to improve awareness of safety in the home
C. children don’t talk to their families about fire safety messages
D. deliberate fire setting can cause considerable harm

Click here to see the answers

Q1. Answer B. Paragraph 2 states: “The presentations also discourage children from getting involved in fire related crimes. These can include deliberate fire setting, making hoax calls or attacking fire crews. All of these can cause considerable harm. The Fire & Rescue Service works hard to stop this from happening.” None of the other statements is fully supported by the extract.

Q2. Answer D. Statement d is the only one supported by information in the extract. Paragraph 1 states: “Most Fire-fighters give educational presentations in schools.”

Q3. Answer C. Statement c is contradicted by the extract. Paragraph 1 states: “Children tend to respond well to positive fire safety messages. They then tell their families.”



Try to spend time reading every day if it’s not something you usually do. The more you read the quicker you will be able to build up how quickly you can take in information.

With this type of test, don’t jump to conclusions or guess the answers. The answers are in the extract, you just have to read all the sentences carefully to be sure which piece of information is the correct one for that particular question.


The best way to improve how well you do on these tests is to practice them in advance of the real thing.

We’ve designed a eBook to help you at every stage of the selection process, and have over 100 practice questions on the numerical and literacy reasoning tests for you to try.

These questions are very similar to the ones you will have in your actual tests which will improve your confidence and ability.

You can check the answers after you have taken the practice tests, which are fully explained so you can see exactly what you got right, where you went wrong and what you need to improve your scores.

Midwives need to be able to do basic numerical calculations to do their job properly, whether working out correct medication amounts or taking other measurements.
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